The Cover-Up Continues
What does the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA and WIKIPEDIA have in common? They have become the judge and jury of Lee Harvey Oswald, labeling Oswald "assassin" rather than "accused assassin."
Let's get one thing straight: IF a government disposes of its leader through assassination, and THAT government then conducts an investigation, the investigation will be dishonest.
Did you know that the new President, Lyndon Johnson, is known to have escaped a possible prison term by becoming President? View the facts HERE:
Here are a few photos to further remind you of the kind, gentle new President:
And famously, LBJ's interaction with the winking Albert Thomas, a grieving Jackie Kennedy almost insensate at LBJ's side:
When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, an investigation was immediately conducted by the FBI. However, the Director of the FBI, John Edgar Hoover, who despised JFK and his brother Bobby, had declared that Lee Harvey Oswald was the ONLY suspect and the ONLY person involved in the assassination THE SAME DAY Kennedy was killed. Here's Hoover's memo to that effect, written to his agents in Dallas who wanted to look into any other possibilities:
"Not necessary to cover as true subject located" -- signed Jn (John) H (Hoover).
The memo was signed before any evidence had reached FBI laboratories. What power Hoover had! With this single memo, all efforts to locate any other suspects ceased.
Hoover received his reward: Lyndon Johnson made J. Edgar Hoover Director for Life, whereas Kennedy would have forced Hoover to retire at age 70. Today, in the face of Hoover's overwhelming power, FBI Directors are limited to ten year terms.
Consider that the HSCA (a government-funded House Committee) declared, in its findings, that a conspiracy existed, though they still blamed Oswald as JFK's assassin. But the HSCA was winding down and failed to look into that matter deeper. Nor did they castigate Hoover for his swift and outrageous shutdown of any investigation as to any other suspects.
Now, if a government kills its leader, that government will not be expected to conduct a fair investigation into the killing. That's common sense.
The American people were immediately shown photos of Johnson being sworn in, legitimizing Johnson as the new President in their eyes. The stunned people knew that Lyndon B. Johnson, the new President, was the one who appointed the members of the Warren Commission, but they meekly accepted the lie that Johnson was SORRY that the event happened. Look at this film and decide for yourself if the new President is really grief-stricken over the sudden violent, barbaric execution of his predecessor. LBJ had just 58 words to say, when he took over the country:
LBJ's Warren Commission was composed of Johnson's most trusted Congressional cronies and those with special interests in making sure the truth would never surface, such as Allen Dulles, described by Wikipedia thus, in its opening words:
Allen Welsh Dulles (April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was an American diplomat, lawyer, banker, and public official..."
The next sentence in the article tells readers that Dulles was " the longest-serving (1953–1961) Director of Central Intelligence (de facto head of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency)..."
And guess who ended Dulles' career?
Yet here he is, the former head of the CIA
, appointed by Lyndon Johnson to 'investigate'
the assassination, with the express purpose of
verifying the FBI report conducted by Hoover
that was made within mere days of the
assassination. Wikipedia tells us:
"Although Dulles' involvement in
the Bay of Pigs endeavor gained
him enough ill repute to be fired
from the CIA during Kennedy's
administration, he didn't let this
stifle his ambition. Somehow he
found himself reinstated and was
allowed to serve on the commission
to investigate the murder of the
very man who fired him."
(REF: accessed Jan. 4, 2013)
"Somehow" indeed! Who was better suited to
make certain that nobody connected with
Dulles' precious CIA would be linked to the
I have written elsewhere of the other members of
the Warren Commission, what compromised
them, and how several of the more neutral
members were unhappy with the conclusions
made by the Commission.
They should have been.
Here's a list of errors made by the Warren
Commission, as compiled by researcher Martin
Shackelford, a conservative researcher who, for
example, doesn't believe the Zapruder film was
altered. He writes:
Warren Commission Errors by Martin Shackelford (9-22-99) At Work: The Report: The Narrative: How the Commission Wanted You to Look at the Evidence 1. Secret Service agent Clint Hill didn't push Mrs. Kennedy back intoThe Conclusions: What The Narrative Was Preparing You to Believe 1. We hear again that "witnesses" saw a rifle being fired from the TSBDWhat we find is that the Commission's presentation of evidence was no more objective than the much criticized Oliver Stone film "JFK," but in a different direction. The narrative is slanted to support the conclusions, and the conclusions often rely on errors made in the narrative, and on statements for which there is no evidence, or evidence pointing in a different direction. |
"Oswald was following the pattern of behavior in which he had been tutored by person or persons unknown...that he had been in contact with others before or during his Marine Corps tour who had guided him and encouraged him in his actions."
Henry Luce at a dinner party, 1961:
"We can't afford to make a mistake in America. So if this young Kennedy makes a mistake, he's got to be impeached immediately. We can't wait for a second."
(quoted by Mort Sahl, who heard it, in "Heartland")
"We can't afford to make a mistake in America. So if this young Kennedy makes a mistake, he's got to be impeached immediately. We can't wait for a second."
(quoted by Mort Sahl, who heard it, in "Heartland")
Kennedy aides Kenny O'Donnell and Dave Powers:
"The president's orders to reduce the American military personnel in Vietnam by one thousand by the end of 1963 was still in effect on the day he went to Texas. A few days after his death, during the mourning, the order was quietly rescinded."
(from "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye")
"The president's orders to reduce the American military personnel in Vietnam by one thousand by the end of 1963 was still in effect on the day he went to Texas. A few days after his death, during the mourning, the order was quietly rescinded."
(from "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye")
Dave Powers:
"If the bullet that wounded the president was not the same bullet that wounded John. Connally, and I testified that it wasn't, and John Connally testified that it wasn't, then there would have had to be more than one assassin."
(May 13, 1976, interviewed on WGBH-TV, Boston)
"If the bullet that wounded the president was not the same bullet that wounded John. Connally, and I testified that it wasn't, and John Connally testified that it wasn't, then there would have had to be more than one assassin."
(May 13, 1976, interviewed on WGBH-TV, Boston)
Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry:
"We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle. No one has been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand."
(November 5, 1969, United Press International)
"We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle. No one has been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand."
(November 5, 1969, United Press International)
Marina Oswald's initial reaction:
"I love Lee. Lee good man. He didn't do anything."
(November 29, 1963, LIFE magazine)
"I love Lee. Lee good man. He didn't do anything."
(November 29, 1963, LIFE magazine)
Robert Oswald, Lee's brother, after visiting Lee in jail:
"All the time we were talking I was searching his eyes for any sign of guilt or whatever you call it. There was nothing there--no guilt, no shame, nothing."
"All the time we were talking I was searching his eyes for any sign of guilt or whatever you call it. There was nothing there--no guilt, no shame, nothing."
H.R. Haldeman, on a panel to investigate Watergate, March 27, 1973:
"If you want Earl Warren, he'll do it." (said to Richard Nixon)
"If you want Earl Warren, he'll do it." (said to Richard Nixon)
Sen. Richard Russell, Warren Commission member:
"They [the FBI] have tried the case and reached a verdict on every count."
(January 27, 1964 Warren Commission Executive Session)
"So much possible evidence was beyond our reach."
(September 29, 1964, Atlanta Constitution, upon the Report's release)
"We have not been told the truth about Oswald."
(Letter to critic Harold Weisberg)
"They [the FBI] have tried the case and reached a verdict on every count."
(January 27, 1964 Warren Commission Executive Session)
"So much possible evidence was beyond our reach."
(September 29, 1964, Atlanta Constitution, upon the Report's release)
"We have not been told the truth about Oswald."
(Letter to critic Harold Weisberg)
Hale Boggs, Warren Commission member, on the Single Bullet Theory:
"I had strong doubts about it."
(quoted by Edward Jay Epstein, "Inquest," the first study with access to
Warren Commission members and staff)
"I had strong doubts about it."
(quoted by Edward Jay Epstein, "Inquest," the first study with access to
Warren Commission members and staff)
John J. McCloy, Warren Commission member:
"It was important to show the world that America is not a banana republic, where a government can be changed by conspiracy."
(quoted by Epstein, "Inquest")
"It was important to show the world that America is not a banana republic, where a government can be changed by conspiracy."
(quoted by Epstein, "Inquest")
Sen. John Sherman Cooper, Warren Commission member:
"We had to lift the cloud of doubts that had been cast over American institutions."
(quoted by Epstein, "Inquest")
"We had to lift the cloud of doubts that had been cast over American institutions."
(quoted by Epstein, "Inquest")
Allen Dulles, Warren Commission member, fired by JFK as CIA Director:
"But nobody reads. Don't believe people read in this country. There will be a few professors that will read the record...The public will read very little."
"But nobody reads. Don't believe people read in this country. There will be a few professors that will read the record...The public will read very little."
(September 6, 1964, Warren Commission internal memo)
J. Lee Rankin, Warren Commission chief counsel:
"We do have a dirty rumor [Oswald was an FBI informant] that is very bad for the Commission...and it is very damaging to the agencies that are involved in it, and it must be wiped out insofar it is possible to do so by this Commission."
(January 27, 1964, Warren Commission Executive Session)
"We do have a dirty rumor [Oswald was an FBI informant] that is very bad for the Commission...and it is very damaging to the agencies that are involved in it, and it must be wiped out insofar it is possible to do so by this Commission."
(January 27, 1964, Warren Commission Executive Session)
"At this stage, we are supposed to be closing doors, not opening them."
(July 1964 response to staff counsel Wesley Liebeler's request that a conspiracy lead (Silvia Odio) be pursued, quoted in Epstein, "Inquest")
"They [U.S. intelligence agencies] could have conspired all together to try to conceal it [information] from us...It's been very rare in our history that any of these agencies have come forth and said 'we made a mistake'."
(May 1975, WRR Radio "Allen Stone Show," Dallas)
Burt W. Griffin, Warren Commission co-counsel:
"I don't think some agencies were candid with us. I never thought the Dallas police were telling us the entire truth. Neither was the FBI."
(April 24, 1975, Rolling Stone)
"I don't think some agencies were candid with us. I never thought the Dallas police were telling us the entire truth. Neither was the FBI."
(April 24, 1975, Rolling Stone)
Associated Press dispatch:
"Washington, D.C..--An agent [James Hosty] who investigated the assassination of President Kennedy testified today that he flushed down the drain a note that Lee Harvey Oswald had delivered to the Dallas office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
(December 12, 1975)
"Washington, D.C..--An agent [James Hosty] who investigated the assassination of President Kennedy testified today that he flushed down the drain a note that Lee Harvey Oswald had delivered to the Dallas office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
(December 12, 1975)
Waggoner Carr, Texas Attorney General (former FBI agent):
"All of the records were in the hands of the two agencies [FBI and CIA] and, if they so desired, any information or files could have been destroyed or laundered prior to the time the Commission could get them."
(September 2, 1975, Houston Chronicle)
"All of the records were in the hands of the two agencies [FBI and CIA] and, if they so desired, any information or files could have been destroyed or laundered prior to the time the Commission could get them."
(September 2, 1975, Houston Chronicle)
Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to
Intelligence Activities (Church Committee):
"On two separate occasions...[FBI] Director Hoover asked for all derogatory material on Warren Commission members and staff contained in the FBI files."
(1976 "The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Performance of the Intelligence Agencies," report by Sen. Richard Schweiker and Sen. Gary Hart subcommittee)
Intelligence Activities (Church Committee):
"On two separate occasions...[FBI] Director Hoover asked for all derogatory material on Warren Commission members and staff contained in the FBI files."
(1976 "The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Performance of the Intelligence Agencies," report by Sen. Richard Schweiker and Sen. Gary Hart subcommittee)
Sen. Richard Schweiker:
"Had Oswald been convicted twelve years ago, he would be entitled to a new trial today based upon the FBI and CIA coverup."
(June 23, 1976 statement)
"Had Oswald been convicted twelve years ago, he would be entitled to a new trial today based upon the FBI and CIA coverup."
(June 23, 1976 statement)
Sen. Richard Schweiker:
"Now I don't know who killed cock robin, but we do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there're fingerprints of intelligence."
(December 15, 1975, Village Voice)
Victor Marchetti, former Executive Assistant to the Deputy Director of the CIA:
"The more I have learned, the more concerned I have become that the government was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy."
(April 1975, True magazine)
"The more I have learned, the more concerned I have become that the government was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy."
(April 1975, True magazine)
Lyndon Johnson, on being handed the first copy of the Warren Report:
"It's, uh, very heavy."
(September 24, 1964)
"It's, uh, very heavy."
(September 24, 1964)
Jack Ruby:
"The Warren Commission! What the hell do they know? Did they learn anything you couldn't read in the papers the next day?"
(Letter quoted in Argosy magazine, September 1967)
"I do not want to die. But I am not insane. I was framed to kill Oswald."
(to psychiatrist Werner Teuter, quoted in London Sunday Times, August
25, 1974)....
"The Warren Commission! What the hell do they know? Did they learn anything you couldn't read in the papers the next day?"
(Letter quoted in Argosy magazine, September 1967)
"I do not want to die. But I am not insane. I was framed to kill Oswald."
(to psychiatrist Werner Teuter, quoted in London Sunday Times, August
25, 1974)....
So when you read -- in the Britannica and in Wikipedia-- that Lee Harvey Oswald was found to be the "Lone assassin" by three (sometimes they say four) government investigations, remember this one fact: WHAT ELSE COULD A GOVERNMENT, WHO TOOK OVER POWER BY KILLING ITS OWN LEADER, TELL THE PEOPLE?
The American Dream died with Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
Since then, America has become a nation that wages war across the globe.
never intending to actually win any of these wars, because they are not based on principles, but on obtaining money for the military-industrial complex.
When Congress votes to continue raising military spending, while cutting back essential government services for you, the American citizen, just remember it is YOU who have blindly accepted the 'fact' that Oswald killed Kennedy, when, in fact, Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for a murder for which our own government was ultimately responsible.
The government that pillaged Social Security and put every American into debt framed Oswald.
The government that conducted WAR ON CANCER, WAR ON DRUGS and WAR ON POVERTY made everything worse. But WAR is their motif.
The government that lied about THE GULF OF TONKIN was led by Lyndon Johnson.
The government that brought you WATERGATE and forced the resignation of "tricky Dick" Nixon was handed to Nixon by Lyndon Johnson.
And Nixon gave us Gerald Ford--an appointed Vice President (because Nixon's Vice President, Spiro Agnew, was forced to resign due to his corruption!). teach your children that our government was taken over from within, and those who helped frame Oswald got their rewards: GERALD FORD, NEVER ELECTED AS VICE PRESIDENT, TOOK OVER THE PRESIDENCY FROM NIXON. Ford was a member of The Warren Commission.
Ford was the first and only President and vice President who was never elected to either position by the people. Ford also later admitted that as a member of the Warren Commission, he altered evidence in the JFK murder case. What did he do? FORD DELIBERATELY MOVED THE BULLET HOLE LOCATION IN KENNEDY'S BACK UP TO THE NECK TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO BELIEVE THE 'MAGIC BULLET' USED TO FRAME LEE OSWALD COULD HAVE EXITED THE NECK.
Amazingly, Wikipedia, which helps continue the cover-up with its editors, who immediately remove all corrections made in oswald's defense, says this about the moved bullet hole:
Read the truth HERE (with emphasis in bold face added):
"The signed autopsy sheet, including the placement and description of the back wound, was verified by Admiral George Gregory Burkley, personal physician to the president who directed the autopsy at Bathesda.
Burkley filled out and signed John F. Kennedy's official death certificate on November 23rd, 1963. He verified the location of the back wound and signed the Kennedy autopsy sheet at Bethesda on November 24th. That death certificate revealed the back wound to be, in the Admiral's own words, at the president's "third thoracic vertebra."The neck has seven CERVICAL vertebrae, and this observed and verified wound was described as three THORACIC vertebrae lower than the neck itself. A wound in the back, exactly where the official autopsy sheet and the coat and shirt placed it. Warren Commissioner Gerald Ford was one of the key people responsible for misleading the U.S. public about the facts of the JFK assassination. The single bullet theory and the lone assassin fiction are only possible if we believe Gerald Ford's terrible fiction."
Here's the location of the third thoracic vertebra:
It has been well-established that no bullet could have penetrated all the bony protuberances involved with the vertebrae in either back OR neck and yet emerge from the throat, as falsely claimed by the Warren Commission, to then hit John Connally and smash his rib, bones in his wrist, and leave a piece of bullet in his thigh, all the while emerging relatively pristine and unscathed.
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The "Magic Bullet" Mark Lane says: Ref: |
The Magic Bullet is a fairytale, and Gerald Ford told it to the American people.
But how else could the innocent Oswald be framed? (Well, many other lies were also created.)
Overwhelming forensic evidence today proves that Kennedy's neck wound came from the front, but common sense can show anyone that this wound is in the BACK, not the NECK (the neck is to the left)
The Cabell Matter
CIA career photos of Cabell |
General Charles Cabell, also CIA, was fired by Kennedy over the Bay of Pigs fiasco, as was Allen Dulles. Charles Cabell's career was thus destroyed by JFK. On November 22, 1963, Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, where Charles Cabell's brother, Earle, was Mayor. As a former long-time resident of Texas, including Dallas, I found it sinister, indeed, that Jackie Kennedy was handed RED ROSES in a state where THE YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS is the usual bouquet, symbolizing the state's independence and its celebration of courageous womanhood. Jackie herself wondered that she was given red roses:
Everytime we got off the plane that day, three times they gave me the yellow roses of Texas. But in Dallas they gave me red roses. I thought how funny, red roses— so all the seat was full of blood and red roses."
- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Jackie received red roses from Mrs. Earle Cabell:
For those interested in why I am so deeply involved in fighting for justice for John F. Kennedy, and why I crusade for the exoneration of the innocent Lee Oswald, please view THE LOVE AFFAIR, shown in 2003 on the History Channel:
Due to threats, I must live overseas in remote areas. I made a recent, quick tour of several states this past December, and was pleased to receive personal support from Jesse Ventura, Robert Groden, and others who are experts in the Kennedy assassination research community:
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Judyth Vary Baker and Gov. Jesse Ventura on Oswald's Side |
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Robert Groden and Judyth Vary Baker on Oswald's Side |